
class stereo.core.StPipeline(data)[source]#

A analysis tool sets for StereoExpData. include preprocess, filter, cluster, plot and so on.


data (Union[StereoExpData, AnnBasedStereoExpData]) – StereoExpData object.



A analysis tool sets for StereoExpData.

adjusted_rand_score(cluster_res_key_a, ...)

Calculate Adjusted Rand index between two cluster results.

annotation(annotation_information[, ...])

Set annotation to clusters.

batches_integrate([pca_res_key, res_key])

integrate different experiments base on the pca result


Calculate the key indicators of quality control.

disksmooth_zscore([r, inplace, res_key])

for each position, given a radius, calculate the z-score within this circle as final normalized value.

filter_by_clusters([cluster_res_key, ...])

Filter cells based on clustering result.

filter_by_hvgs([hvg_res_key, filter_raw, ...])

Filter genes based on the result of highly_variable_genes function.

filter_cells([min_gene, max_gene, ...])

Filter cells based on counts or the numbers of genes expressed.

filter_coordinates([min_x, max_x, min_y, ...])

Filter cells based on coordinate information.

filter_genes([min_cell, max_cell, ...])

Filter genes based on the numbers of cells or counts.

filter_marker_genes([marker_genes_res_key, ...])

Filters out genes based on log fold change and fraction of genes expressing the gene within and outside each group.

find_marker_genes(cluster_res_key[, method, ...])

A tool to find maker genes.

gaussian_smooth([n_neighbors, ...])

Smooth the express matrix by the algorithm of Gaussian smoothing [Shen22].


get the neighbor result by the key.

highly_variable_genes([groups, method, ...])

Annotate highly variable genes, refering to Scanpy.

leiden([neighbors_res_key, res_key, ...])

Cluster cells into subgroups by Leiden algorithm [Traag18].

log1p([inplace, res_key])

Transform the express matrix logarithmically.

louvain([neighbors_res_key, res_key, ...])

Cluster cells into subgroups by Louvain algorithm [Blondel08].

lr_score(lr_pairs[, distance, spot_comp, ...])

calculate cci score for each LR pair and do permutation test

neighbors([pca_res_key, method, metric, ...])

Compute a spatial neighborhood graph over all cells.

normalize_total([target_sum, inplace, res_key])

Normalize total counts over all genes per cell such that each cell has the same total count after normalization.

pca([use_highly_genes, n_pcs, svd_solver, ...])

Principal component analysis.

phenograph([phenograph_k, pca_res_key, ...])

Cluster cells into subgroups by Phenograph.

quantile([inplace, res_key])

Normalize the columns of X to each have the same distribution.


Save current data to self.raw.


Reset to the raw data saved in self.raw when you want data get raw expression matrix.

scale([zero_center, max_value, inplace, res_key])

Scale express matrix to unit variance and zero mean.

sctransform([n_cells, n_genes, filter_hvgs, ...])

Normalization of scTransform, refering to Seurat [Hafemeister19].

silhouette_score(cluster_res_key[, metric, ...])

Calculate the mean Silhouette Coefficient for a cluster result.

spatial_hotspot([use_highly_genes, ...])

Identify informative genes or gene modules.

spatial_neighbors([neighbors_res_key, ...])

Create a graph from spatial coordinates using Squidpy.

spatial_pattern_score([use_raw, res_key])

calculate the spatial pattern score.

subset_by_hvg(hvg_res_key[, use_raw, inplace])

get the subset by the result of highly variable genes.

umap([pca_res_key, neighbors_res_key, ...])

Embed the neighborhood graph using UMAP [McInnes18].



get the StereoExpData whose exp_matrix is raw count.