Tissue Segmentation#

Here we shows how to use the function of tissue segmentation.

We support stereo.image.tissue_cut.SingleStrandDNATissueCut class for cutting ssDNA from .tif image file, and stereo.image.tissue_cut.RNATissueCut class for segmenting RNA from GEF/GEM file.


Before Cell Segmentation, Tissue Segmentation, certain packages should be installed beforehand.

Install necessary packages by running commands as below:

For CPU:

   pip install tensorflow==2.7.0
   pip install torch==1.10.0
   pip install torchvision==0.11.1
   pip install albumentations==0.4.6
   pip protobuf~=3.20.0

For GPU:

   pip install tensorflow==2.7.0
   pip install torch==1.10.0+cu113 –extra-index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/
   pip install torchvision==0.11.1+cu113 –extra-index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/
   pip install albumentations==0.4.6
   pip install onnxruntime-gpu
   pip protobuf~=3.20.0

Tissue segmentation from .TIFF image#

We now support 4 staining types of .TIFF image: ssDNA, DAPI, HE and mIF.

We have two models to process these four types images:

1. tissueseg_bcdu_H&E_20240201_tf.onnx: be used for staining type HE.

2. tissueseg_bcdu_SDI_230523_tf.onnx: be used for others staining types.

The following part shows a case to segment a ssDNA-type image, and please download our example data.

Download the deep learning model. It is assumed that the local storage path of the model is '../data/seg_models/tissueseg_bcdu_SDI_230523_tf.onnx'.

More detail in stereo.image.tissue_cut.SingleStrandDNATissueCut.

from stereo.image.tissue_cut import SingleStrandDNATissueCut

# Initial the TissueCut object
ssDNA_tissue_cut = SingleStrandDNATissueCut(
    gpu='0' # set to -1 to run on cpu

# Real do the image transforming
[INFO 20240321-17-01-39 p96955 __init__ tissue_segmentation.py:33] start loading model weight
INFO:cellbin.utils.clog:start loading model weight
[INFO 20240321-17-01-39 p96955 _f_load_model onnx_net.py:29] loading weight from ../data/seg_models/tissueseg_bcdu_SDI_230523_tf.onnx
INFO:cellbin.utils.clog:loading weight from ../data/seg_models/tissueseg_bcdu_SDI_230523_tf.onnx
[INFO 20240321-17-01-41 p96955 _f_load_model onnx_net.py:40] onnx work on gpu 0
2024-03-21 17:01:40.896173342 [W:onnxruntime:, session_state.cc:1162 VerifyEachNodeIsAssignedToAnEp] Some nodes were not assigned to the preferred execution providers which may or may not have an negative impact on performance. e.g. ORT explicitly assigns shape related ops to CPU to improve perf.
2024-03-21 17:01:40.896213047 [W:onnxruntime:, session_state.cc:1164 VerifyEachNodeIsAssignedToAnEp] Rerunning with verbose output on a non-minimal build will show node assignments.
INFO:cellbin.utils.clog:onnx work on gpu 0
[INFO 20240321-17-01-41 p96955 __init__ tissue_segmentation.py:35] end loading model weight
INFO:cellbin.utils.clog:end loading model weight
[INFO 20240321-17-01-43 p96955 run tissue_segmentation.py:46] start tissue seg
INFO:cellbin.utils.clog:start tissue seg
[INFO 20240321-17-01-57 p96955 run tissue_segmentation.py:48] end tissue seg
INFO:cellbin.utils.clog:end tissue seg

Tissue segmentation from GEM/GEF#

More detail in stereo.image.tissue_cut.RNATissueCut

Model tissueseg_bcdu_RNA_220909_tf.onnx is used for this part.

from stereo.image.tissue_cut import RNATissueCut

rna_tissue_cut = RNATissueCut(
    gpu='0' # set to -1 to run on cpu

# rna_tissue_cut = RNATissueCut(
#     dst_img_path='../data/tissue_seg/result',
#     gem_path='../data/SS200000135TL_D1.raw.gem',
#     model_path='../data/seg_models/tissueseg_bcdu_rna_220909_tf.onnx',
#     gpu='0' # set to -1 to run on cpu
# )
# rna_tissue_cut.tissue_seg()
[INFO 20240321-17-01-57 p96955 __init__ tissue_segmentation.py:33] start loading model weight
INFO:cellbin.utils.clog:start loading model weight
[INFO 20240321-17-01-57 p96955 _f_load_model onnx_net.py:29] loading weight from ../data/seg_models/tissueseg_bcdu_rna_220909_tf.onnx
INFO:cellbin.utils.clog:loading weight from ../data/seg_models/tissueseg_bcdu_rna_220909_tf.onnx
[INFO 20240321-17-01-57 p96955 _f_load_model onnx_net.py:40] onnx work on gpu 0
2024-03-21 17:01:57.743670991 [W:onnxruntime:, session_state.cc:1162 VerifyEachNodeIsAssignedToAnEp] Some nodes were not assigned to the preferred execution providers which may or may not have an negative impact on performance. e.g. ORT explicitly assigns shape related ops to CPU to improve perf.
2024-03-21 17:01:57.743691209 [W:onnxruntime:, session_state.cc:1164 VerifyEachNodeIsAssignedToAnEp] Rerunning with verbose output on a non-minimal build will show node assignments.
INFO:cellbin.utils.clog:onnx work on gpu 0
[INFO 20240321-17-01-57 p96955 __init__ tissue_segmentation.py:35] end loading model weight
INFO:cellbin.utils.clog:end loading model weight
[INFO 20240321-17-02-33 p96955 run tissue_segmentation.py:46] start tissue seg
INFO:cellbin.utils.clog:start tissue seg
[INFO 20240321-17-02-44 p96955 run tissue_segmentation.py:48] end tissue seg
INFO:cellbin.utils.clog:end tissue seg


Function stereo.tools.tissue_extraction.tissue_extration_to_bgef extracts the tissue segmentation BGEF file of bin1 from the corresponding raw BGEF file of bin1, depending on the result mask generated by tissue segmentation and the registered ssDNA tif of the bin 1 RNA GEF file.

Extraction with ssDNA image#

Now show you how to extract the GEF with a ssDNA image:

import stereo as st

That’s how raw GEF originally looks like.

st_exp_data = st.io.read_gef('../data/SS200000135TL_D1.raw.gef', bin_size=100)
[2024-03-21 17:03:09][Stereo][96955][MainThread][139672358180672][reader][1090][INFO]: read_gef begin ...
path:../data/SS200000135TL_D1.raw.gef bin:100
Warning:your source data file only has gene column,but you specify return gene_names and gene ids which is invalid!so we will return an empty array which has same size with gene_names for the gene_ids
               generateBinInfo - 26.050000 cpu sec
[2024-03-21 17:03:26][Stereo][96955][MainThread][139672358180672][reader][1268][INFO]: the matrix has 44775 cells, and 24670 genes.
[2024-03-21 17:03:26][Stereo][96955][MainThread][139672358180672][reader][1269][INFO]: read_gef end.
[2024-03-21 17:03:26][Stereo][96955][MainThread][139672358180672][st_pipeline][41][INFO]: start to run cal_qc...
[2024-03-21 17:03:27][Stereo][96955][MainThread][139672358180672][st_pipeline][44][INFO]: cal_qc end, consume time 0.4893s.

Then, start to extract the tissue area by giving a registered .tif.

from stereo.tools.tissue_extraction import tissue_extraction_to_bgef

# ssDNA
    gpu='0' # set to -1 to run on cpu
[INFO 20240321-17-03-29 p96955 __init__ tissue_segmentation.py:33] start loading model weight
INFO:cellbin.utils.clog:start loading model weight
[INFO 20240321-17-03-29 p96955 _f_load_model onnx_net.py:29] loading weight from ../data/seg_models/tissueseg_bcdu_SDI_230523_tf.onnx
INFO:cellbin.utils.clog:loading weight from ../data/seg_models/tissueseg_bcdu_SDI_230523_tf.onnx
[INFO 20240321-17-03-29 p96955 _f_load_model onnx_net.py:40] onnx work on gpu 0
INFO:cellbin.utils.clog:onnx work on gpu 0
2024-03-21 17:03:29.745706293 [W:onnxruntime:, session_state.cc:1162 VerifyEachNodeIsAssignedToAnEp] Some nodes were not assigned to the preferred execution providers which may or may not have an negative impact on performance. e.g. ORT explicitly assigns shape related ops to CPU to improve perf.
2024-03-21 17:03:29.745735384 [W:onnxruntime:, session_state.cc:1164 VerifyEachNodeIsAssignedToAnEp] Rerunning with verbose output on a non-minimal build will show node assignments.
[INFO 20240321-17-03-29 p96955 __init__ tissue_segmentation.py:35] end loading model weight
INFO:cellbin.utils.clog:end loading model weight
[INFO 20240321-17-03-30 p96955 run tissue_segmentation.py:46] start tissue seg
INFO:cellbin.utils.clog:start tissue seg
[INFO 20240321-17-03-43 p96955 run tissue_segmentation.py:48] end tissue seg
INFO:cellbin.utils.clog:end tissue seg
[2024-03-21 17:03:43][Stereo][96955][MainThread][139672358180672][tissue_extraction][89][INFO]: tissue_cut finish, mask file is saved at ./tissue_seg/result/SS200000135TL_D1_regist_tissue_cut.tif
[2024-03-21 17:03:50][Stereo][96955][MainThread][139672358180672][tissue_extraction][95][INFO]: gef extraction finish, extracted gef save at ./SS200000135TL_D1.tissue.gef
bit space sample is : 8
img row:26459 col:26459
minx:0 miny:0 maxx:26458 maxy:26458
gene:24670 geneexp:76210617
readbgef - elapsed time: 2441.87584 ms
getmaskgenedata_bgef thread time elapsed time: 2.12947 ms
new gcnt:24286 new gexp:62551475
getmaskgenedata_bgef - elapsed time: 1945.82985 ms
writebgef - elapsed time: 1358.90096 ms

Read BGEF file after extraction to see what have been done on it.

st_exp_data = st.io.read_gef('./SS200000135TL_D1.tissue.gef', bin_size=100)
[2024-03-21 17:04:08][Stereo][96955][MainThread][139672358180672][reader][1090][INFO]: read_gef begin ...
path:./SS200000135TL_D1.tissue.gef bin:100
Warning:your source data file only has gene column,but you specify return gene_names and gene ids which is invalid!so we will return an empty array which has same size with gene_names for the gene_ids
               generateBinInfo - 20.200000 cpu sec
[2024-03-21 17:04:19][Stereo][96955][MainThread][139672358180672][reader][1268][INFO]: the matrix has 8993 cells, and 24286 genes.
[2024-03-21 17:04:19][Stereo][96955][MainThread][139672358180672][reader][1269][INFO]: read_gef end.
[2024-03-21 17:04:19][Stereo][96955][MainThread][139672358180672][st_pipeline][41][INFO]: start to run cal_qc...
[2024-03-21 17:04:20][Stereo][96955][MainThread][139672358180672][st_pipeline][44][INFO]: cal_qc end, consume time 0.3661s.

Extraction only with expression matrix#

Change staining_type to RNA, and use gene expression matrix to extract GEF.

    gpu='0' # set to -1 to run on cpu
[INFO 20240321-17-04-21 p96955 __init__ tissue_segmentation.py:33] start loading model weight
INFO:cellbin.utils.clog:start loading model weight
[INFO 20240321-17-04-21 p96955 _f_load_model onnx_net.py:29] loading weight from ../data/seg_models/tissueseg_bcdu_rna_220909_tf.onnx
INFO:cellbin.utils.clog:loading weight from ../data/seg_models/tissueseg_bcdu_rna_220909_tf.onnx
[INFO 20240321-17-04-21 p96955 _f_load_model onnx_net.py:40] onnx work on gpu 0
2024-03-21 17:04:21.310511898 [W:onnxruntime:, session_state.cc:1162 VerifyEachNodeIsAssignedToAnEp] Some nodes were not assigned to the preferred execution providers which may or may not have an negative impact on performance. e.g. ORT explicitly assigns shape related ops to CPU to improve perf.
2024-03-21 17:04:21.310530619 [W:onnxruntime:, session_state.cc:1164 VerifyEachNodeIsAssignedToAnEp] Rerunning with verbose output on a non-minimal build will show node assignments.
INFO:cellbin.utils.clog:onnx work on gpu 0
[INFO 20240321-17-04-21 p96955 __init__ tissue_segmentation.py:35] end loading model weight
INFO:cellbin.utils.clog:end loading model weight
[INFO 20240321-17-04-55 p96955 run tissue_segmentation.py:46] start tissue seg
INFO:cellbin.utils.clog:start tissue seg
[INFO 20240321-17-05-05 p96955 run tissue_segmentation.py:48] end tissue seg
INFO:cellbin.utils.clog:end tissue seg
[2024-03-21 17:05:06][Stereo][96955][MainThread][139672358180672][tissue_extraction][89][INFO]: tissue_cut finish, mask file is saved at ./tissue_seg/result/SS200000135TL_D1.raw_tissue_cut.tif
[2024-03-21 17:05:13][Stereo][96955][MainThread][139672358180672][tissue_extraction][95][INFO]: gef extraction finish, extracted gef save at ./SS200000135TL_D1.tissue.gef
bit space sample is : 8
img row:26459 col:26459
minx:0 miny:0 maxx:26458 maxy:26458
gene:24670 geneexp:76210617
readbgef - elapsed time: 2436.14483 ms
getmaskgenedata_bgef thread time elapsed time: 2.30181 ms
new gcnt:24311 new gexp:63274175
getmaskgenedata_bgef - elapsed time: 1951.82507 ms
writebgef - elapsed time: 1542.28937 ms