StPipeline: tl#

Import Stereopy :

import stereo as st

A tool-integrated class for basic analysis of StereoExpData, which is compromised of basic preprocessing, embedding, clustering, and so on.



Calculate the key indicators of quality control.

core.StPipeline.filter_cells([min_gene, ...])

Filter cells based on counts or the numbers of genes expressed.

core.StPipeline.filter_genes([min_cell, ...])

Filter genes based on the numbers of cells or counts.

core.StPipeline.filter_coordinates([min_x, ...])

Filter cells based on coordinate information.


Filter cells based on clustering result.


Filter genes based on the result of highly_variable_genes function.


Save current data to self.raw.

core.StPipeline.sctransform([n_cells, ...])

Normalization of scTransform, refering to Seurat [Hafemeister19].


Normalize total counts over all genes per cell such that each cell has the same total count after normalization.

core.StPipeline.log1p([inplace, res_key])

Transform the express matrix logarithmically.

core.StPipeline.scale([zero_center, ...])

Scale express matrix to unit variance and zero mean.


Annotate highly variable genes, refering to Scanpy.

core.StPipeline.pca([use_highly_genes, ...])

Principal component analysis.

core.StPipeline.neighbors([pca_res_key, ...])

Compute a spatial neighborhood graph over all cells.


Create a graph from spatial coordinates using Squidpy.

core.StPipeline.umap([pca_res_key, ...])

Embed the neighborhood graph using UMAP [McInnes18].

core.StPipeline.leiden([neighbors_res_key, ...])

Cluster cells into subgroups by Leiden algorithm [Traag18].

core.StPipeline.louvain([neighbors_res_key, ...])

Cluster cells into subgroups by Louvain algorithm [Blondel08].

core.StPipeline.phenograph([phenograph_k, ...])

Cluster cells into subgroups by Phenograph.

core.StPipeline.find_marker_genes(...[, ...])

A tool to find maker genes.


Identify informative genes or gene modules.


Smooth the express matrix by the algorithm of Gaussian smoothing [Shen22].

core.StPipeline.annotation(...[, ...])

Set annotation to clusters.


Calculate Adjusted Rand index between two cluster results.


Calculate the mean Silhouette Coefficient for a cluster result.


Single-cell recognition is a tool to automatically annotate a test sample by a reference sample.



algorithm.paste.Paste.main([method, ...])

Calculates and returns optimal alignment of two slices or computes center alignment of slices.

algorithm.paste.pairwise_align(sliceA, sliceB)

Calculates and returns optimal alignment of two slices.

algorithm.paste.center_align(initial_slice, ...)

Computes center alignment of slices.

algorithm.get_niche.GetNiche.main(...[, ...])

To ensure the accuracy and specificity of this juxtacrine signaling model, we extract cells bordering their niches and statistically calculate their CCC activity scores of L-R pairs under the assumption that intercellular L-R communications routinely exist among closely neighboring cells


Generate the micro-environment used for the CCC analysis.


Cell-cell communication analysis main functon.


Enables researchers to infer transcription factors (TFs) and gene regulatory networks.


Co-occurence calculates the score or probability of two or more cell types in spatial.


CCD divides the tissue using sliding windows by accommodating multiple window sizes, and enables the simultaneous analysis of multiple slices from the same tissue.


type run_method:

algorithm.dendrogram.Dendrogram.main(...[, ...])

Computes a hierarchical clustering for the given cluster_res_key categories.