
This section consists of various cases which will make you familiar with the process of main analysis. If you want to dig deeper, API could give more information.

Basic Workflow

This section contains main preprocessing and analysis on single-cell data, including Square Bin and Cell Bin cases.

Data Preprocessing

This section contains main preprocessing and analysis on single-cell data, including Square Bin and Cell Bin cases.


This section introduces methods to annotate cells automatically, according to given reference.

Cell Analysis

This section introduces how to perform functions on cell level.

Gene Analysis

This section introduces how to perform functions on gene level.

Cell Fate Inference

This section introduces several functions to infer the cell fate.

Image Processing

This section contains various examples from the stereo.im and stereo.tools module.

Interactive Visualization

This section shows how to perform interactive plotting and export the region of interest.

Performance Optimization

This section shows how to accelerate functions and the test results of performance.