
PlotCellCellCommunication.ccc_dot_plot(interacting_pairs=None, clusters1=None, clusters2=None, separator_cluster='|', palette='Reds', res_key='cell_cell_communication', width=None, height=None, **kw_args)[source]#

Generate dot plot based on the result of CellCellCommunication.

  • interacting_pairs (Union[str, list, ndarray, None]) – path, string, list or ndarray. specify the interacting pairs which would be shown on plot, defaults to None. 1) path: the path of file in which saves the interacting pairs which would be shown, one line one pair. 2) string: only one interacting pair. 3) list or ndarray: an array contains the interacting pairs which would be shown.

  • clusters1 (Union[str, list, ndarray, None]) – path, string, list or ndarray. the first clusters in cluster pairs which would be shown on plot, defaults to None. 1) path: the path of file in which saves the clusters which would be shown, one line one cluster. 2) string: only one cluster. 3) list or ndarray: an array contains the clusters which would be shown.

  • clusters2 (Union[str, list, ndarray, None]) – path, string, list or ndarray. the second clusters in cluster pairs which would be shown on plot, defaults to None. clusters1 and clusters2 together form cluster pairs each cluster in cluster1 will join with each one in cluster2 to form the cluster pairs. if set it to None, it will be set to all clusters. 1) path: the path of file in which saves the clusters which would be shown, one line one cluster. 2) string: only one cluster. 3) list or ndarray: an array contains the clusters which would be shown.

  • separator_cluster (str) – the symbol for joining the clusters1 and clusters2, defaults to ‘|’

  • palette (str) – plot palette, defaults to ‘Reds’

  • res_key (str) – the key which specifies the cell cell communication result in, defaults to ‘cell_cell_communication’

  • width (Optional[int]) – the figure width in pixels, defaults to None

  • height (Optional[int]) – the figure height in pixels, defaults to None

